The present unhappy state of the family rendered any other excuse for the lowness of her spirits unnecessary; nothing, therefore,could be fairly conjectured from that,though Elizabeth, who was by this time tolerably well acquainted with her own feelings, was perfectly aware that, had she known nothing of Darcy,she could have borne the dread of Lydia's infamy somewhat better.It would have spared her,she thought,one sleepless night out of two.

“What,is he coming home,and without poor Lydia?”she cried.“Sure he will not leave London before he has found them.Who is to fight Wickham,and make him marry her,if he comes away?”

Kitty,who took all these threats in a serious light,began to cry.

They were interrupted by Miss Bennet,who came to fetch her mother's tea.

When Mr. Bennet arrived, he had all the appearance of his usual philosophic composure.He said as little as he had ever been in the habit of saying;made no mention of the business that had taken him away, and it was some time before his daughters had courage to speak of it.

“This is a parade,”he cried,“which does one good;it gives such an elegance to misfortune!Another day I will do the same;I will sit in my library,in my nightcap and powdering gown,and give as much trouble as I can;or,perhaps,I may defer it till Kitty runs away.”

推荐阅读: 重生之逍遥唐初     灾变荒莽     饲养反派小团子     主角猎杀者     乡野小农夫     盛世婚宠     情一动,心就痛     开封府小饭桌     引妻入帐:魅王枭宠小狂妃     纯爱的我,只是爱错了人     大宋之奇葩战神     烂尾鼠    