That it would be done with such trifling exertion on his side, too, was another very welcome surprise; for his wish at present was to have as little trouble in the business as possible.When the first transports of rage which had produced his activity in seeking her were over, he naturally returned to all his former indolence.His letter was soon dispatched;for,though dilatory in undertaking business,he was quick in its execution.He begged to know further particulars of what he was indebted to his brother, but was too angry with Lydia to send any message to her.

When first Mr.Bennet had married,economy was held to be perfectly useless,for,of course,they were to have a son.The son was to join in cutting off the entail, as soon as he should be of age, and the widow and younger children would by that means be provided for. Five daughters successively entered the world, but yet the son was to come; and Mrs. Bennet, for many years after Lydia's birth, had been certain that he would.This event had at last been despaired of,but it was then too late to be saving. Mrs.Bennet had no turn for economy,and her husband's love of independence had alone prevented their exceeding their income.

推荐阅读: 万界独行者     末世独宠     娱乐圈之神秘老公     飞升从吃软饭开始     地狱诡师     [综]暖喵妮娜     魔皇养成指南     好狗不挡道     反派他人美心善[快穿]     京华春恨     一拳小萝莉     我有多爱你,时光它知道    