Elizabeth's mind was now relieved from a very heavy weight;and,after half an hour's quiet reflection in her own room,she was able to join the others with tolerable composure.Every thing was too recent for gaiety,but the evening passed tranquilly away;there was no longer anything material to be dreaded,and the comfort of ease and familiarity would come in time.

“Good gracious! Lord bless me!only think!dear me! Mr. Darcy! Who would have thought it! And is it really true?Oh! my sweetest Lizzy! how rich and how great you will be!What pin-money, what jewels, what carriages you will have!Jane's is nothing to it―nothing at all.I am so pleased―so happy. Such a charming man!―so handsome! so tall!―Oh,my dear Lizzy! pray apologise for my having disliked him so much before. I hope he will overlook it. Dear, dear Lizzy.A house in town!Every thing that is charming!Three daughters married!Ten thousand a year!Oh,Lord!What will become of me.I shall go distracted.”

When her mother went up to her dressing-room at night,she followed her,and made the important communication.Its effect was most extraordinary;for on first hearing it,Mrs.Bennet sat quite still,and unable to utter a syllable.Nor was it under many, many minutes that she could comprehend what she heard;though not in general backward to credit what was for the advantage of her family, or that came in the shape of a lover to any of them. She began at length to recover, to fidget about in her chair, get up, sit down again,wonder,and bless herself.

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