After wandering along the lane for two hours, giving way to every variety of thought―re-considering events, determining probabilities, and reconciling herself, as well as she could, to a change so sudden and so important, fatigue, and a recollection of her long absence, made her at length return home; and she entered the house with the wish of appearing cheerful as usual, and the resolution of repressing such reflections as must make her unfit for conversation.

推荐阅读: 万年只争朝夕     废少重生归来     嫁嫡     足球至上     兽世霸宠:纪爷,撩上瘾!     特种兵之特别有种     新宠千金     极品寻龙师     慕晚晨钟不可期     于花丸之中[综]     推理者联盟     地球唯一玩家    