he river,in the nearest direction;but their progress was slow, for Mr. Gardiner, though seldom able to indulge the taste, was very fond of fishing, and was so much engaged in watching the occasional appearance of some trout in the water, and talking to the man about them, that he advanced but little. Whilst wandering on in this slow manner,they were again surprised,and Elizabeth's astonishment was quite equal to what it had been at first,by the sight of Mr.Darcy approaching them,and at no great distance.The walk here being here less sheltered than on the other side,allowed them to see him before they met.Elizabeth,however astonished,was at least more prepared for an interview than before,and resolved to appear and to speak with calmness,if he really intended to meet them.For a few moments,indeed,she felt that he would probably strike into some other path.The idea lasted while a turning in the walk concealed him from their view;the turning past,he was immediately before them.With a glance, she saw that he had lost none of his recent civility;and,to imitate his politeness, she began, as they met, to admire the beauty of the place;but she had not got beyond the words“delightful,”and“charming,”when some unlucky recollections obtruded,and she fancied that praise of Pemberley from her might be mischievously construed.Her colour changed,and she said no more.

推荐阅读: 万古帝尊     寒天帝     乡村俏佳人     拎起那只兔耳朵     我和尸兄有个约会     我,摆烂直播,赚够两百就下播     宦妃当道     这个BOSS有点牛     奉子成婚:二嫁新妻太抢手     原始魔主     直播:老铁,你这风水有点邪啊!     这个天魔不太冷    