首页 > 小王子 > 第二十七章


And no grown-up will ever understand that this is a matter of so much importance!


At one time I say to myself: "Surely not! The little prince shuts his flower under her glass globe every night, and he watches over his sheep very carefully..." Then I am happy. And there is sweetness in the laughter of all the stars.

Here, then, is a great mystery. For you who also love the little prince, and for me, nothing in the universe can be the same if somewhere, we do not know where, a sheep that we never saw has― yes or no― eaten a rose...

But there is one extraordinary thing... when I drew the muzzle for the little prince, I forgot to add the leather strap to it. He will never have been able to fasten it on his sheep. So now I keep wondering: what is happening on his planet Perhaps the sheep has eaten the flower...


It was then that the fox appeared.


And now six years have already gone by...

Chapter 27


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