I had been so proud of my baobabs!
"You know― a muzzle for my sheep... I am responsible for this flower..."I took my rough drafts of drawings out of my pocket. The little prince looked them over, and laughed as he said:"Your baobabs― they look a little like cabbages.""Oh!"
"It is not worth the trouble..."The well that we had come to was not like the wells of the Sahara. The wells of the Sahara are mere holes dug in the sand. This one was like a well in a village. But there was no village here, and I thought I must be dreaming...
"The men where you live," said the little prince, "raise five thousand roses in the same garden― and they do not find in it what they are looking for.""They do not find it," I replied.
"I am thirsty for this water," said the little prince. "Give me some of it to drink..."And I understood what he had been looking for.
"It is strange," I said to the little prince. "Everything is ready for use: the pulley, the bucket, the rope..."He laughed, touched the rope, and set the pulley to working. And the pulley moaned, like an old weathervane which the wind has long since forgotten.